the tortures of Hell.... all new and revised for our era!

From: john grigg (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 20:23:55 MST

Den Otter revealed to us:
Sin ~^~ Punishment- ---------
Pride...............broken on the wheel
Envy................put in freezing water
Anger...............dismembered alive Sloth...............thrown in snake
Greed...............put in cauldrons of boiling oil
Gluttony............forced to eat rats, toads, and snakes
Lust................smothered in fire and brimstone
Den otter

Medieval theologians sure had worked out the details! Now, for my new

Pride.... Forced to listen to "Trump, the art of the deal" on audiotape for
all eternity, with no breaks!!
Anger....Forced to drive in L.A. gridlock traffic for all eternity on
"Moebius Loop" highway!
Greed....You are given stacks of gold bars and suitcases full of fifty
dollar bills but there is nothing to spend it on!!
Gluttony.... Forced to eat rats, toads and snakes without stopping for all
eternity at the "Royal Fork" restaurant! The demonesses there will take
your plate before you are ready!
Lust....Be forced to be married to a really beautiful and sexy woman who
never, ever has sex with you or is even nice and spends all her time raging
at you or being insolently silent.

This is my list! So what do you folks think?


John Grigg
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