Re: Pitch Black: the movie

Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 09:04:16 MST

Yes, but the Freakazoid species who retro-fitted the planet's climate for an
oxy-nitrogen atmosphere, 300,000 years ago, also generated the unstable biota
and megafauna. That species have since gained ascendency and now runs a
profitable gambling cybercosm in the Local Group. Primates welcome.

In a message dated 02/21/2000 9:26:02 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Trinary systems do exist, while binary systems are, as I recall, the most
> frequent type. The three sun deal is obviously a plot device a la Azimov's
> Nightfall story, but with the intent of a much more horrifying story. Kind
> of
> a Jurassic Park in space. Its rather obvious that the tidal influences of
> three suns would likely eliminate the possibility of any planet having
> anything close to a normal orbit or climate.
> Mike

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