Re: Joe Dees, Aristoi

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 07:40:12 MST

john grigg wrote:

> Joe Dees wrote:
> If such an entity plonks me, I simply consider the source - but not much.
> (end)
> I admit I am personally against filtering but I have no problem with others
> doing it as long as we each have our own options. Joe, I think you enjoy
> making provocations to get a reaction! Please, you are too good for this.
> I could imagine you and Mike Lorrey as both Aristoi with domaines that
> border eachother! Now that would be something!

I feel similarly about filtering, and Mr. Dees is the only person I have ever
killfiled. If we were both Aristoi with bordering terrritory, I would imagine
that I would have to deal with a Dees-bot on my border shouting rude and
obnoxious insults. If I were intent on not causing damage I would probably set
up a wave inverter so as to cancel out the sound produced by the bot...Though I
could probably have my PPL sue Mr. Dees PPL for the pollution and energy

Mike Lorrey

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