extropian movie alert (spoiler free)

From: Jeff Davis (jdavis@socketscience.com)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 17:58:52 MST


I was housesitting a friends golden retrievers last night, channel surfing
on their tv (away from my usual net surfing mode of entertainment) when I
caught an exceedingly brief glimpse of what seemed to be a plug for a new
movie with extropian content. Clip of leading man--Patrick somebody or
other I think--peering into a row of laboratory mouse cages, while
voice-over mentions that the premise of the old movie, "Flowers for
Algernon"--technologically mediated intelligence enhancement--is rapidly
becoming a reality. This was followed by a real world, frontal-interview
shot of the actor closing with the cliche about whether we will handle this
new capability wisely or poorly.

Details, please. Who knows more about this?

                        Best, Jeff Davis

           "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
                                        Ray Charles

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