Re: teaching appropriate values to the young

From: Howard Rothenburg (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 14:12:58 MST

Also, what is the short list of skills that we would recommend?

On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Spike Jones wrote:

> Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 12:54:36 -0800
> From: Spike Jones <>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: teaching appropriate values to the young
> Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
... We were all taught to
> work hard, save money in the bank, buy the biggest house
> you can possibly afford because inflation will come along and
> make you a hero, etc. These advises turned out to be...
> well, you decide. Inappropriate for our times.
> My grandfather told me the two very most important skills for
> any young man to have are: auto mechanics and self defense.
> OK. One has been marginally useful, mostly as a hobby,
> the other totally useless. Grandpa never saw a computer,
> so I would not expect him to understand the usefulness of
> learning to use one, however:
> How can we avoid passing on similarly inappropriate values
> to the next generation?

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