making trouble in church....

From: john grigg (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 06:35:48 MST

Snowclip wrote:
On the topic of being kicked out of my confirmation class, it wasn't just
me, just a few weeks prior, my good friend got kicked out because he was
wearing a Bad Religion shirt.

Such rebels! Had your religious instructors really cared they could have
handled all these things, even if it meant sometimes saying, "I don't know"
and putting up with a little attitude. In my confirmation class all we did
was draw and get all the soda we could drink! The father seemed a little
ethereal to me.

I attended a Unitarian church for a short time to write a paper on them for
a sociology of religion class and found it an interesting experience. It
was an odd demographic, older married couples with lots of young children.
Almost no teens and young adults! The pastor had a doctorate in history and
a master's in divinity. A very nice man who struggled in a small and
somewhat austere church building and rectory.

While serving in a missionary endeavor outside an army base about a decade
ago, I bought at an army/navy surplus store a t-shirt for my mildly
rebellious fifteen year-old brother. He liked to wear shirts from heavy
metal bands so I thought I would send him something better that was
"patriotic." The shirt had on it a picture of flaming skulls wearing
helmets and with the words, "We will fight to hell and back!"

I should have known my brother would go to a church youth group wearing it!
When the most self-important and obnoxious member of the congregation
confronted him about it he said, "my missionary brother gave this to me!"
The guy shut up and walked away. My younger brother loved that t-shirt! lol


John Grigg
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