Eliezer, Max, Natasha and those uncanny X-Men......

From: john grigg (starman125@hotmail.com)
Date: Sun Feb 20 2000 - 05:53:14 MST

Eliezer wrote:
Senator Kelly's campaign for genetic purity in America. You know, I think
they mean *me*!- --

Aha!! Perhaps you will eventually get an invitation in the mail, inviting
you to attend Professor Xavier's school for "gifted" youngsters! His school
and Starfleet Academy were my first choices for college. :) And watch out
for giant sentinal robots visiting your home in search of you! Your family
would not appreciate that.

Max wrote:
It's been suggested that I may have modelled myself after Professor X...

So, now I know why Eliezer is on the list! Actually, I think if Max is like
Professor X, then Natasha must be like the Shi'Ar empress, Lilandra, who is
a woman of great fortitude, intelligence and beauty. What touched me about
their relationship was how despite their love for eachother, each knew they
could not stay together because of deep commitments that caused both of them
to live light years apart.

In that photo of Max with the beard and pony-tail I tend to think of one of
the villain's that fought the X-Men! lol Considering some of the views
here, I wonder how some list members would act if they had the powers of a
Magneto (archnemesis and former good friend of Professor X).

I loved the Senator Kelley website! It was very clever and fun. I enjoyed
Doug Jone's comment, "And why does no-one remember growing up with him?"
lol!! In the thirties I bet Doug would have been taken in by the Orson
Welles radio drama! :) Remember what happened to the timeline where Kelly
was assassinated?? Not a nice place to live.

I look forward to the upcoming "X-Men" motion picture. I hope they do it
justice. The casting has been interesting to say the least but I did jump
for joy when Patrick Stewart got the role of Professor X!!!


John Grigg
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