Kicked out of Sunday school.

From: John Calvin (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 09:30:20 MST

>I was kicked out of Sunday School once for asking difficult questions. Now
>I've been kicked off the Extropian list also. (heh heh)

That's funny, and familiar. I didn't get kicked out of bible study, but was asked very politely not to ask questions that the other students were not ready to hear the answers to yet. I guess the priest running the bible study wasn't prepared for an 11 year old that had read the bible cover to cover.

I was raised Episcopalian(catholic lite)which seems to me to be the most harmless of religions.

q:Why don't Episcopalians have confession?

A: Wasn't there, Didn't do it, Have an alibi ;)
>EvMick<-------trying to figger out how to make a "kill file"
>Effingham Illinois

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