Re: The inherent limitations of models (was Re: Black hole question)

Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 01:19:34 MST

Yes that's like the Sphere or Saddle shape model of the Universe in
Astronomy. The listener has to axiomatically suspend disbelief. The model
sucks because Spheres have insides and mater/energy/time exist outside the
sphere's surface. The same goes for the Saddle model. Its got to be so
hopelessly inaccurate.

In a message dated 02/16/2000 3:58:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: (repeating John K. Clark)

> >>Gravity is nothing but Space -Time curvature. If you place a canon ball on
> >>a rubber sheet the sheet will be distorted but that doesn't prove
> something
> >>must come out of the ball to bend the rubber.
> >
> >Nicely put, but I've always detested that model/image.

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