
From: john grigg (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 14:31:51 MST

Max More wrote:
>It's hard to imagine writers getting away with that these days. Or >could
>they really be so innocent?!

Perhaps the censors were more "innocent" in those days and just did not
think that the writers and producers of the show could be trying to put one
over on them.

It is interesting how even among english-speaking nations, humor can be
different. I saw on Saturday Night-live awhile back, an extremely funny
skit with Elle McPherson, where Americans called up a 1-900 number sex line
from Australia. McPherson uses heavy aussie slang to describe what she will
do to the American caller, who responds, "I really have no idea what you are
saying but it sounds so good!"

best regards,

John Grigg

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