Re: Deep Anarchy list

From: KPJ (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 09:11:54 MST

It appears as if the upgrade <> wrote:
|I'm toying with the idea of setting up a Deep Anarchy list.
|I want to suggest that when we talk of "the State" we are not talking
|of any entity, either concrete or abstract. I will provide two main
|arguments for this: One from considerations of methodological
|individualism, and another that could be called "the argument from
|fuzziness." "Deep Anarchy" is the view that results from these
|thoughts; it is the idea that we already live in an anarchy."

Mumble.. I would prefer to state it:

         When one talk about the ``the State'', one should avoid making it
         into a person (personalizing it). ``The State'' has no feelings,
         wishes, needs, etc. But _the_humans_ who control and lead the State
         most certainly have them.

         By pointing out who performs the acts, etc., one can see that
         ``the State'' consists of humans, the controllers and the controlled,
         and that the controlling humans form a group, a clique, and that
         ``the State'' serves their purposes, and give them power over the
         rest of the humans.


|The purpose of the list might be to explore the deepest aspects
|of coercive political systems, including the possibility that all
|current coercive political systems are complete hoaxes.
|Anyone interested?

This follows logically from the fact that the subject interests at least me. :)
Feel free to add the KPJ e-mail address <> to your list when/if
you create the list.

 It is the business of the future to be dangerous.

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