Re: individuality and conformity regarding body mod...

From: Emlyn (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 09:19:13 MST

Spike wrote:
> A week ago I made a comment that might have sounded like a
> nonsequitur: "Life of Brian" should be required viewing for every
> extropian. Of course there is the usual Monte Python silliness,
> but Brian's speech he made to the crowd as he was urging them
> to fuck off [which they would not do] was actually quite stirring
> and a very good encapsulation of the attitude many of us have
> toward the follower personality. Theres a lot of dynamic optimism
> to be found in that speech. spike

Is the fact that they wouldn't fuck off actually a little ray of hope?

I was reading some books about what happens in the next 20 years or so. One
had most of a chapter devoted to the claim that more people will own and
walk dogs. Banality aside, I'm betting on super intelligent robot dogs to
start the singularity.

Woof! Sir!

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