Re: Why Cryonics?

From: D.den Otter (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 06:19:51 MST

> From: Chris Hibbert <>

> I decided to try to write down some of my reasons for signing up for
> cryonics after I was caught without a ready explanation a little while
> back.
> Please take a look at my explanation at
> and let me
> know what you think.

Technical note: your cryonics link
won't get you to Alcor LEF, but to "a computer services
company that is specialized in designing and developing
computer applications for industry, laboratories, and
research centres." The correct URL is, of course,

Personally I think that successful revival of
even the most basically straight-frozen cryo
patient might eventually be possible by means
of deduction. What I do worry about is the
Singularity; that could *really* ruin all our
plans. Still, that is no excuse for not signing
up; even the smallest chance is better than no
chance, it improves the quality of life in the
here and now by providing hope (rational religion
substitute), and it's generally the moral and
civilized thing to do. Burning and rotting are
for primitives. Get hip, get 3rd Millennium,
get frozen.

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