[JIHAD] ``The Guns: Hate Them or Love Them''

From: KPJ (kpj@sics.se)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 03:36:11 MST

Greetings, Extropian Mailing List units.

As you undoubtly have noticed, the ``Guns: Hate Them or Love Them'' Jihad
members have gathered at the Extropian Mailing List again, forever
battling over value judgements, and using up the available bandwidth.

I humble request that you refrain from joining the bandwidth killing spree.
Remember, a number of units actually pay real world money for Internet access.

I suggest that the non-combattant units of the Extropian Mailing List
filter away messages from the Jihad members, optionally using a quasi-
intelligent filtering agent which identifies and terminates any Jihad
oriented texts, so one still can read any non-Jihadic texts sent from
the Jihad members.

The filtering program could e.g. count the use of value judgemental words
and invectives used in a text to decide whether it should eliminate the text
or not.

I understand such a program, which can recognize a flame war, exists already,
and can recognize, and remove, a text which would upset the program's user.
Unfortunately, I have no pointer stored to that program at this time.

Also, I remember that in the Olden Days one could tell the Extropian Mailing
List software to stop sending oneself texts which matches certain criteria.

Has this functionality disappeared?

I believe that a filtering mechanism, of the kind discussed above, could have
a certain use, and help to cool down the Jihad members to their senses, so
they abstain from the rude list behaviour they currently display.

Flame wars lack usefulness. Avoid them.


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