Re: The Machinery Of Freedom

From: upgrade (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 22:06:01 MST

At 06:39 PM 2/16/00 -0800, you wrote:
>On Wednesday, February 16, 2000 9:07 AM John Clark
> > Read "The Machinery Of Freedom" by David Friedman, it's a wonderful book,
> > every page will give you new and powerful ideas.
>I found that okay, not great or wonderful. If you're going to read that,
>you might also look up Bruce L. Benson's _The Enterprise of Law: Justice
>without the State_ and Murray N. Rothbard's _For a New Liberty_.
>Daniel Ust

I also highly recommend 'Deep Anarchy' by Max T. O'Connor
(aka Max More) <>.

Frederick Mann

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