Re: Joe Dees is perfect and everyone else is wrong ( was Hello from Mike Lorrey)

From: Joe E. Dees (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 18:44:01 MST

Date sent: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 20:00:19 EST
Subject: Re: Joe Dees is perfect and everyone else is wrong ( was Hello from
        Mike Lorrey)
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> In a message dated 2/16/2000 4:05:00 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << No, it is the list administrator's prerogative to reinstitute a once-
> before-instituted ban, should the rampant and wanton militia
> memebotcy formerly bedrenching and deluging this list recurrently
> infect and inflict it. >>
> NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> The ban was mostly because YOU would not shut up. Mike said hello!!!
> he has friends here, including me - even if I do not like guns, I like Mike.
> You stepped in maliciously before he was even doen being welcomed back to the
> list At least Mike has the decency to keep quiet - Listen - you are wearing
> out your welcome REAL fast pardner.
> -REAL sick of this,
> Queene
I would not shut up because those dogmatic and extreme nimrods
attempted to spambludgeon me into silent acquiescence, and I
would NOT LET THAT HAPPEN! I posted a lot becaiuse I was
ADRESSED a lot, and I answered every one of their canards in
kind. Your memory seems to be faulty; consult the list archives for
a corrective refreshing.

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