Re: Black hole question

From: Technotranscendence (
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 00:32:35 MST

On Tuesday, February 15, 2000 8:08 PM Spike Jones wrote:
> > ...One is that the final resulting black hole has an apparant volume
less than the
> > sum of the apparant volumes of the two colliding holes.
> >
> > [Anders Sandberg has] learned it
> > prevents me from travelling through the central hole in a large
> > artificial doughnut-shaped black hole - it collapses faster than I can
> > travel through it... :-)
> I dont grok this. The mass of the combined black holes would be twice
> the mass of the two original ones, and since the radius of the event
> is proportional to the mass, then the combined mass would have twice the
> radius and thus eight times the apparent volume as the original two. Does
> it not work that way? spike

Some mass would radiate away as gravitational energy. Also, spacetime is
noneuclidean, moreso near a black hole. At least, that's what little I
recall from my physics studies on this issue.

Daniel "I tried to stay out of this discussion but couldn't because of
Spike" Ust

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