Re: Derivative vs. Stealing. (ws) a transhumanist Dr. Seuss is in our midst!

Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 19:58:53 MST

In a message dated 2/14/2000 3:22:20 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< This is great stuff! This needs to be fleshed out into a full-size book
 with Seussian style artwork to go along with it!>

Thanks! I am not much of a writer, I just like to play!
This is a good example of deriving vs. stealing. If I did publish such a
book, it would be *more* than derivative, yet it would not be stealing. Not
enough to get sued anyway, since I am not copying his verse verbatim, just
snagging his "style".

Now if Lee was to clip and paste *my* poem into his own book and sell it -
THAT would be stealing, and I hope you guys would back me up on that,
libertarians or not!!!

On the other hand - ethically, if i did a Suess rip-off, no matter how cute
and charming, *I* would feel like I was stealing, not to mention, unoriginal!!

<< Please consider what I've said. You have created a seed that should be
 allowed to sprout and not die.

(Thanks again for the lovely compliments, however I could not sustain enough
interest in this project to finish it, and I have so much to do these days!!)
I'd love to publish a children's atheist/agnostic book though... someday,
sigh.... when I have time... yeah right!
: ) : ) : ) : ) : )

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