Re: META: Watch the subject lines, people!

From: Emlyn (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 20:44:29 MST

Neal Marin wrote:
> > |It is pretty much naturally engrained into parents
> > |that they need to protect their children from
> > certain
> > |things, sex being one of them. It is a social thing
> > |more than a natural thing, I think, but one that is
> > |none the less very present. I know; often enough I
> > see
> > |my parents hastily switching channels when my
> > little
> > |sister enters the room.
> >

Neal, as far as I could see you explicitly said "It is a social thing, more
than a natural thing,", which is fair enough. When I read the response
starting ...

> >
> > The American obsession with sex appeared very late
> > in history. There exists
> > no proof of "naturally engrained" parents to protect
> > their children from sex.
> > In fact, the opposite has been mainly the norm
> > throughout history.
> > I suggest you control your historical and scientific
> > sources.

... it set off my "tool" indicators, and I didn't bother reading the rest,
as the reply to your message had been written without actually reading your
message properly.

Good luck with the home environment, by the way. Just remember, in 3000
years it'll be a dim memory.


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