Re: Black hole question

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 22:41:16 MST

Jeff Davis wrote:
> Friends,
> Justy a quick question, sans florid embellishments.
> If a black hole has an event horizon from within which nothing can escape,
> then how can the mass within the black hole exert a gravitational
> attraction on anything outside the event horizon? How can anything *orbit*
> a black hole?

The event horizon only applies to matter and photons, this which are
restrained by the speed of light. Gravity is the force which creates the
event horizon, so ergo, without the gravity there would be no event
horizon. Gravity is immune to event horizons because gravity is immune
to itself.... understand?

> Doesn't the indisputable fact of gavitational influence by the foremost
> candidates for black holedom suggest that either they are not black holes,
> or that the theory of black holes is flawed?

No, your understanding of black holes is flawed.

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