Re: MUCK: Watch the subject lines, people!

From: Sean Kenny (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 11:06:06 MST

> << I'd like to second that. I have been slightly embarassed over the last
> couple of days. Colleagues at work and kids at home. Only a lurker, but
> hate to have to unscribe because I was worried about inappropriate
> lines showing up in my post.
> >>
> Embarrased... aw.......
> That is so sad to MUSE - imagining having to not to use the word sex at
> or around your kids... one day we will all be free..

I'm happy to discuss the subjects of the posts with my colleagues and my
children, and I probably do frequently. Hot sex however has connatations of
sad old salary men addicted to internet porn - and I being thought to be of
that ilk is slightly embarrasing. I certainly don't want to be put into a
position of having to convince my kids that I'm not a sad old wanker.


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