Re: hello again...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Sat Feb 12 2000 - 00:08:47 MST

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 12:44 AM 12/02/00 -0500, the inventor of the Lorrey drive wrote:
> >hey all,
> >I'm back after taking a break for a while....
> Yeah, off test-flying that damned reactionless disk over Area 51, you can't
> fool us.
> Welcome back, pal!

It took a while to dig out of the y2k bunker ;)

Now I don't need to shop for sooooo long.
So much ammo, so little time ;)

Just kidding. I think I bought two or three weeks worth of dinner food,
though I did stock up on ammo.... he he.

I just got done with the latest revision of the software appplication I
manage the docmentation for. 300 new pages, publishing to print,
acrobat, and HTML. I could probably be a novelist if I could depend on a
staff of programmers, testers, and customer support people to feed me
all of the information..... ;)

Mike Lorrey

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