Nirvana (Was: Hollywood and Immortality)

From: Zero Powers (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2000 - 13:37:03 MST

From: Spike Jones <>
>John Lennon song: My Sweet Lord. Part of the lyrics go
>...Give me light, give me life, keep me free from birth...
>I asked a Krishna friend what that means, and he explained
>it was a reference to reincarnation. The goal is to stop being
>reincarnated, and be... Im not sure what, in Nirvana?
>Buddhist friends, does this sound right? spike

I'm not a Buddhist, but my understanding is that "reality" as we perceive it
in our everyday experience is a charade of apparently separate things (cars,
planets, taxes, love, penises, goldfish, etc.) Whereas in Buddhist
philosophy the "real" reality consists of a holistic, unified
"everything/nothing." You know, I am you, you are me and taxes are
goldfish. The objective is to become "enlightened" enough to comprehend
this uncomprehensible phenomena. Once you have learned that lesson, you can
then abandon the charade of your separate physicality and join with the
invisible and indivisible everything/nothing. In other words you annihilate
to become nothing and everything at the same time. Get it? Good, neither
do I.


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