Re: HUMOR?: An Open Letter to the Manufacturers of Ziploc Brand Sandwich Bags

From: Amara Graps (
Date: Tue Feb 08 2000 - 15:10:56 MST

I wonder why nobody commented on the funny story about the
United States Dope Dog against the Ziploc Colorloc system...
(Maybe it required a twisted sense of humor)

From: "Technotranscendence" <> Mon, 31 Jan 2000:

>Dear Sirs,

>Thanks to your superior craftsmanship, I am today a free man.

I adore ziploc bags! When I travel to the States, I always
send some boxes of ziplocs back to Germany, because I cannot find them
here. My latest shipment arrived last week. Some of you extropians
over in the States might consider starting a side business selling
those plastic wonders to us ziploc-deprived foreigners.

(Does this mean that I qualify for Spike's "Hall of Weeniedom" ?)


Amara Graps email:
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