Re: WWW representation of Real World? (I hope not too)

Date: Sat Feb 05 2000 - 19:03:44 MST

In a message dated 2/5/2000 1:33:12 PM Pacific Standard Time,

<< one is freer online to lavish inappropriate
 complements and blatant flattery. Its all part of the fun of it. We
 cannot and should not even *try* to match in the flesh our online
 personalities. spike >>

The longer I have been online, the more I lose the desire to be other than I
am on here... first of all, I'd say that thing Xena, not Buffy.... but then
i'm a freak anyway, so I'd like you better if you said it a a party, if you
said it online but NOT at the party, I'd think you wre a weenie...
but 'nuff goofiness, for real.. so many of my substantial relationships have
begun on line that I don't misrepresent myself any more - i see everyone on
here as a potential meat body acquaintance and they deserve to know the real
Still, I have another screen name, I act EXACTLY the same and no one knows
it;s me.. go figure

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