Re: *** Writing Letters and Taking Action ***

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Fri Feb 04 2000 - 20:29:55 MST

>From: "Tim Ventura" <>
>To: <>, <>
>Subject: *** Writing Letters and Taking Action ***
>Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2000 19:10:38 -0800
>Regarding Aging and Life Extension:
>Sometimes I get the feeling that you guys are [NOT] really that interested
> >in life-extension, because I'm not hearing any real plans for >finding
>ways to help promote research or real scientific ideas in >this area. In a
>way, that scares me, because I'm pretty sure that >all are the only ones
>vocal enough to have started caring about it >in the first place.

Yeah, there is some of that. I wish we had more zealot types like Mike
Darwin, et al.

>I wrote to the whitehouse today

Open Kook File, insert Tim.... :-)

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