Re: extropian summer sun & surf

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 09:22:26 MST


WOW, congratulations! Best wishes to you & yours!


PS: Bad news: I just found out the shipment of ablative toenail paint
got stopped at Customs. They said it wasn't customary.

Damien Broderick wrote:
> At 12:51 PM 3/02/00 +1000, Emlyn lazed at the beach:
> >So when I'm bobbing about, blue sky, blue clear water, golden sand,
> With Emlyn's recent move to Melbourne, my home town is now officially
> transhuman capital of Oz! Patrick Wilken, Emlyn and the missus and smart
> kid, Russell Blackford (not a poster, but frequently defending our
> perspectives from the loonies), me, cryonicist Veronica Sullivan arriving
> soon... Not many, by the cosmic or even US scale of things, but hey, surf's
> up.
> So is the temperature here today. Must 100 F. I idly noticed that my
> toesnails caught fire when I carelessly stepped into the footprint of the
> kitchen skylight. (Yes, since I couldn't stand the heat, I got out of there.)
> Damien

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