Max More is movin' on up!

From: john grigg (
Date: Tue Feb 01 2000 - 23:12:56 MST

Greg Burch shared:
We are a company that embraces extropian/transhumanist principles, and Max
More is currently assisting us in the development of what will be the
leading business strategy hub on the Internet, which will be launched on
February 14. The first generation of AdaptiveContent will be generating that

Wow! I hear people say the people in this list are talkers and not doers in
the classic silicon valley success story way but this proves them wrong!
Huzzah to Max for being part of such an impressive project! I hope he will
get stock options if he hasn't already. I'm sure being rich would help
further his extropian goals! :)

If this does not occur then this company should remember the Extropian
Institute when they are the newest titan on the block by giving a generous
donation to the cause. A nice building, upkeep and travelling funds, some
staff and money to advertise would be cool.


John Grigg

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