BIZ/EMPLOY: Employment/Contracting Opportunities at ManyWorlds Consulting

Date: Sun Jan 30 2000 - 08:32:27 MST

The following is an announcement that my friend Steve Flinn has asked that I
pass on to the list. I encourage folks with the interest and requisite
skills to contact Steve.


ManyWorlds Consulting, Inc. is looking for talented individuals to assist us
in developing a commercial content management software package, AdaptiveConten
t™, that has the potential to revolutionize knowledge-based Internet portal
development and management.

ManyWorlds is focused on helping its clients create "blow-out" value for
their shareholders, through delivery of what we call Business Model
Solutions™. Business Model Solutions includes assisting with business
strategy formulation, as well as delivering key process and IT components
that enable the strategy.
Clients range from leading companies such as Cisco Systems and Royal
Dutch/Shell Group to very high potential start-ups.

We are a company that embraces extropian/transhumanist principles, and Max
More is currently assisting us in the development of what will be the leading
business strategy hub on the Internet, which will be launched on February 14.
 The first generation of AdaptiveContent will be generating that portal.

We are already at work architecting next generation capabilities of
AdaptiveContent. We need additional application development talent, with
particular expertise in database-driven web applications. Deep expertise
with SQL/Server and ASP is a must. We would be interested in hiring
individuals with the right skill sets on a full-time or part-time basis, and
as either an employee or on an independent contractor basis. You can be
located just about anywhere in the world, as long as you have access to a
high-speed Internet connection (our headquarters is in Houston, TX). Our
preference is for people who are available to work with us in the very

We would also be interested in discussing our technology with individuals or
companies that might be interested in developing applications that complement
the core AdaptiveContent package. We would be prepared to help market your
applications to our customers.

If interested, send me an e-mail at

Steve Flinn
ManyWorlds Consulting, Inc.

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