Re: Wobble Wobble

From: Alexander Shkirenko (
Date: Sat Jan 29 2000 - 22:33:43 MST

--- wrote:
> Art Bell and Whitney Schriber have a doomsday book
> out too...

I think it's Whitley Strieber, but then again I can't
tell if you're being sarcastic or not...

> They have it on audio tape....eventually I'll
> probably buy it (when I get

Save your money, I browsed through this book the last
time I was in a Barnes and Noble and essentially it's
5-7 chapters of Art Bell's usual pseudo-science mumbo
jumbo, capped off by a seriously anti-climactic and
all too predictable chapter. (I think it was the
second to last chapter) So if you really feel the need
for pain you should just read that, the rest of the
book is basically stuffing.


"The world is a smoke filled room we die in the isles looking for the exit" -Bruce Wagner
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