Percieved Intelligence (Was: Re: (de Garis') are fake neurons)

From: Michael Hollomon, Jr. (
Date: Sat Jan 29 2000 - 13:37:34 MST

Interesting. I had never thought before about what specific factors go into
the degree of ones percieved intelligence. However, upon review of the
factors you listed I think I agree with you. But it seems to me that
virtually each of the components you have stated, except for speed, can be
learned. Thus if the village idiot had exponentially increased speed of
data acquisition, retrieval, and manipulation, wouldn't he/she be able to
more quickly acquire each of the other skills you have listed? And thereby
give the perception of increased overall intelligence?

Dana Hedberg < wrote:

>I view perceived intelligent behavior as being a result of several
>components (each of which has subcomponents/behaviors):
> 1. Output style/skill
> a. Modes: speech, written, iconic(diagramatic), body language, etc.
> 2. Raw processing speed/time
> a. Speed of data acquisition
> b. Speed of data retrieval
> c. Speed of data manipulation/combination (effects on 4.)
> d. Speed of transmission (effects on 1.)
> 3. Knowledge base
> a. It's direct effect on 1. (i.e., vocabulary)
> b. Relevance to the problem domain
> c. Level of accuracy for any problem domain
> 4. Ability to combine items from 3. into solution sets
> a. Filter out distractions (emotions where appropriate, erroneous
>data, etc.)
> b. Creative/novel connections between data
> 5. The totality of 1 through 4 for the *perceiver* of the
>to-be-assessed-intelligence of a person
>So, increases in 2. only may not necessarily give the V.I. a substantial
>increase in intelligence, real or perceived.

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