Re: Introduction

From: Randy Smith (
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 07:56:44 MST

>From: Loree Thomas <>
>Subject: Introduction
>Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 23:53:51 -0800

>I'm 44 and currently a programmer / network administrator with a AA in
>computer information systems. From my late 20's till my late 30's, I
>was mostly a househusband, raising my children. Before that I was a
>reactor operator on a nuclear submarine in the US Navy.

Hi, Loree. I was also a nuke (ETRO). I was on a fast attack sub out of San
Diego in the late 70s. Hated it.

>You have no idea how transhumanism and The Extropian Principles
>resonated with me. You see, I am a particular type of actual transhuman
>I have transformed my body to something between male and female by use
>of prescription drugs obtained from overseas pharmacies. I look a whole
>lot (but not completely) like a female. If you've checked out the art
>section at, you might have seen the "Primo 3M+" future ad...
>the nanotech AI enhanced body? One of the options listed is "multiple
>genders". That's me.

Well, I don't suppose I have ever thought of it that way, but yes I guess
transgendered people are in the vanguard of transhumanism.
>From your website pix, it looks as though you have successfully crossed the
gender line.

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