Re: Anal talk of freedoms

From: Timothy Bates (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 23:15:28 MST

on 1/25/00 9:57 PM, Damien Broderick wrote
> At 12:39 AM 24/01/00 -0600, Sasha wrote:
>> Why can't one walk three blocks in their normal swimsuit from the Charles
>> River to Harvard Square? This is such a simple thing! As long as this
>> is totally unacceptable, how can you expect acceptance of free play
>> with really serious genetic and physical modifications?
> The more I hear about the bizarre restrictions in the Land of the Free, the
> happier I am that I'm living in Oz.
Umm like nudity in Queensland? Or perhaps you mean the fact the the internet
is censored here? or was it last weeks banning of Romance, a movie freely
shown in America as well as Europe?

> Can't be certain, but I'm fairly sure
> you could stroll in a swimsuit or a feathered chickensuit or a giant
> plastic pizza from the Yarra River to the middle of Melbourne without being
> molested by police
though you might be shot dead if you have schizophrenia? Or are a foreign
tourist on Bondi beach? Or an English tourist killed at Bondi whose
murderer was let free last year because he was drunk?

This is largely off topic, but let's at least be honest: Australia has no
respect for individual liberty. Senator Alston and Prime Minister Howard
have repeatedly made exactly this claim, noting explicitly that this is not
America and "we" (most Australians) are happy to have laws restricting
individual liberty. I guess "we" are into the "M" side of S&M?

So, be happy to live in Australia if you are, but no need to claim that we
have more freedom here. We don't.

> (although they'd surely keep an eye on you, and it might
> help if there were several in the company, so you're not mistaken for a
> lone escaped lunatic or drug fiend having an unusual reaction).
In which case you may be shot dead.
Or if you are carrying a pair of kitchen scissors in New South Wales you can
go to jail for 14 years.


"The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) asserts
that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by
themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed."

  Thomas Jefferson

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