>Rare Earth

From: Spudboy100@aol.com
Date: Wed Jan 26 2000 - 07:54:11 MST

  Source: University Of Washington (http://www.washington.edu)
Date: Posted 1/26/2000

We Are Not Alone - Or Are We?
The annals of science fiction are filled with advanced extraterrestrial
creatures like Klingons and Wookies, Vogons and Romulans, all carrying on in
a human sort of way. And while screenwriters and novelists weave stories
around these characters, some people scour the heavens for signs that such
highly evolved beings really are out there.
But a new book by two University of Washington scientists contends that,
contrary to popular thought, we just might be alone and Earth might be
unique, if not in the universe at least in this celestial neighborhood.

In "Rare Earth," published this month by Copernicus Books/Springer,
paleontologist Peter Ward and astronomer Donald Brownlee examine the
remarkable confluence of conditions and events that deposited life-forming
chemicals on Earth, allowed simple life to gain a foothold and then protected
the planet sufficiently and created just the right environmental factors for
advanced life to slowly evolve.

"It seems like something a lot of people don't want to hear, yet nearly
everyone who works in these areas has remarked at one time or another how
unusual the Earth is," said Brownlee, an expert on comets, the space bodies
that might have delivered the first organic chemicals and life-sustaining
water to Earth.

In fact, he and Ward, whose extensive research on the fossil record has
provided key insights into prehistoric mass extinctions, frequently discuss
the Earth's unusual character with students in their astronomy and geological
sciences classes.

The scientists don't argue that life is rare. In fact, recent evidence
showing simple microbial life can survive extreme conditions on Earth is an
indicator that such life also might be widespread in the galaxy and the

"But you need to have a vast amount of time to let evolution ramp up to
animals, and we think there are only a small number of planets where that
could happen," said Ward.

The key, he said, is having near equilibrium in such things as temperature
and water content over enormous time spans.

Microbes have shown they can live in some of the harshest Earth environments
imaginable, while advanced plant and animal life requires a delicate balance
of conditions.

"For 90 percent of the age of this planet, life was slime at the bottom of
the ocean," Brownlee said. But that life was given a one-in-a-million
opportunity to gradually evolve to the complexity it enjoys today.

"The underlying theme of the book is that the Earth is a very charmed
planet," he said. "We know of no other body that is even remotely like

Factors that made advanced life possible include the Earth's having:

* The proper distance from the sun to allow development of habitat for
complex life and ensure that water remains liquid, not vapor or ice.

* The proper mass to retain atmosphere and ocean.

* Plate tectonics, which act as a sort of atmospheric thermostat, build land
masses and enhance biotic diversity.

* A neighbor the size of Jupiter, not too close and not too far away, that
can use its gravity to protect the planet from too many life-extinguishing
collisions with comets and asteroids.

* A stable orbit unperturbed by giant planets.

* A large moon at the right distance to stabilize tilt, thus ensuring
seasonal climate fluctuations that are not too severe.

* Enough carbon to support development of life but not so much to allow for
runaway greenhouse conditions.

In addition, Brownlee and Ward contend, the solar system's position in the
Milky Way galaxy also is key to life development on Earth. At the edge of the
galaxy, many stars are too metal-poor for planet formation, while the center
of the galaxy has extreme energy processes that would hinder complex life.

The "charmed" conditions on Earth won't always be present. Someday, some way,
evolution on Earth will end. That could be when the sun gets so hot that life
can no longer survive, when ultimately the ocean boils and surface rocks

"There will be a time when there will be no record of life ever having
existed on Earth," Brownlee said.

He and Ward acknowledge that their assumptions about how uncommon advanced
life might be in the universe are based on observed conditions that allowed
evolution on Earth. But this is the only place in which advanced life is
known to have occurred, and it is one of only a handful of places in the
solar system where even microbial life is suspected, making this planet the
ultimate laboratory on advanced life.

A key condition for life on Earth is the presence of carbon, because of its
unique properties.

"Probably all life is based on carbon," Brownlee said. While he concedes the
possibility that life has evolved elsewhere based on an element such as
silicon, he remains skeptical of that theory.

"Many things are possible. You can never imagine everything the universe can
do. But we know it didn't happen here," Brownlee said. "If things have to
obey physical and chemical laws, then there really aren't a lot of options in

Editor's Note: The original news release can be found at


Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of 
Washington for journalists and other members of the public. If you wish to 
quote from any part of this story, please credit University Of Washington as 
the original source. You may also wish to include the following link in any 
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