Re: artificial emotional intelligence enhancement

From: Skye Howard (
Date: Tue Jan 25 2000 - 18:17:58 MST

I think that perhaps it would take something like long
term exposure for the leaps to start kicking in,
though, if they did.
One of my amused thoughts is that artificial emotional
enhancements might be used as more of a toy than a
tool.... I get the depressing feeling that a lot of
people might use it for things like temporarily
willing up a particular psychosis, for party tricks,
or what have you... though I can see many applications
for such things in anti depressive or anti psychotic
fields as well. *shrugs*

--- "Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" <>
> john grigg wrote:
> >
> > It would if the user had the wisdom to know how to
> use it to enhance
> > his/hers emotional intelligence. For instance if
> your mind is blinded by
> > anger or hurt you could "lower the volume" to try
> to see things more
> > clearly. And if you were feeling down in the
> dumps and unmotivated for a
> > task you could "raise the volume. But it would
> take some emotional
> > intelligence to use this enhancement properly.
> Ninety percent of emotional intelligence, in the
> sense of contributing
> materially to smartness, is about being able to
> recognize (and in
> various ways, counteract) the parts of your
> emotional system that
> contribute materially to stupidity. I've often
> wondered if just
> watching yourself think under an fMRI or PET scan,
> "cognitive feedback",
> might be enough to produce enormous leaps in
> effective intelligence.
> Unlimited willpower is a minor hack by comparision,
> although it'd
> probably have just as large an impact.
> --
> Eliezer S.
> Yudkowsky
> Typing in Dvorak Programming with Patterns
> Writing in Gender-neutral
> Voting for Libertarians Heading for Singularity
> There Is A Better Way
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