Re: genetic unselfishness

From: Michael M. Butler (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 23:19:58 MST

I got it. Kleenex?

Damien Broderick wrote:
> >> The Germans have a useful word
> >>I coin a term for the
> >>pleasure we receive in *hearing about* the misfortunes of others, at great
> >>length: Scheherazadenfreude.
> >Of course practical people will call it "Sche" or "Schefre" of "SZF" because
> >no-one uses such long words in conversations.
> Well, I'd hope that practical people would laugh very briefly at my
> whimsical little joke and zip on.
> *sob*
> Nobody gets my jokes. Waaaahh.
> Scheherezade was the ingenious young woman in 1001 NIGHTS who kept her head
> by entertaining the King with endless stories, many of them about
> misfortunes at sea, betrayed lovers and the like. She has become the emblem
> of story-telling.
> Schadenfreude is the German word for taking pleasure in the misfortune of
> others.
> My pun fuses the name and the word. You are meant to smile, then put it out
> of your mind forever.
> >And I personally don't think I
> >take pleasure in hearing about other people's misfortunes, unless it's a
> >funny story. Do you take pleasure in hearing about the death of someone's
> >mother?
> Absolutely, I agree. Look at my doleful face.
> (Hey, I thought *I* was the sanctimonious guardian of morals and decency
> around here?)
> Damien

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