Re: mapping religious thought space

From: Joe E. Dees (
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 02:21:44 MST

Date sent: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 02:15:49 -0500
From: Robert Owen <>
Organization: The Orion Institute
Subject: Re: mapping religious thought space
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> Spike Jones wrote:
> > One sometimes sees political thought space mapped on a line
> > with liberal on the left, conservative on the right, with reactionary to
> > the right of right and radical to the left of left, sometimes forming a circle
> > with radical and reactionary adjacent.
> >
> > If one does the same trick with religious thought space, then the
> > liberal believers such as unitarians might be on the left, with the
> > fundamentalists on the right. To the left of left would be the
> > agnostic. What is to the right of right? I propose it should
> > be the dogmatic atheist.
> I really like your sociogram, Spike. I only spot one difficulty -- as
> you suggest, extremes tend to meet because they are really the
> two opposing faces of one thing, "Agnostic::Dogmatic Atheist"
> doesn't seem to work very well. Here's what I suggest, even
> though it's a bit more complicated:
> Positivist-Humanist-Liberal-Orthodox-Fundamentalist-Atheist-Nihilist
> What do you think?
Sceptic and cynic need to be fitted in there somewhere.
> Bob
> =======================
> Robert M. Owen
> Director
> The Orion Institute
> 57 W. Morgan Street
> Brevard, NC 28712-3659 USA
> =======================

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