Re: Cannot prove nor disprove a soul.

Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 16:22:21 MST

In a message dated 01/21/2000 7:27:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I was free--free to think, to
> express my thoughts--free to live my own ideal, free to live
> for myself and those I loved, free to use all my faculties, all
> my senses, free to spread imagination's wings, free to investigate,
> to guess and dream and hope, free to judge and determine for
> myself...I was free! I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced
> all worlds."
> Ah, to bask in the warm light of reason...
Free....that is, before the big, suffocating, darkness came up and
obliterated me. Forever, forever,forever..and not to mention all the people
I ever loved or hated.
By the way, who ever would be reading Ingerols words, would not be You,
rather it someone else, as it always is for eulogies.

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