Re: StockGeneration (was Re: [scam] $ pyramid scheme)

From: J. R. Molloy (
Date: Sat Jan 22 2000 - 10:32:53 MST

From: upgrade <>
>Some people accept certain information/opportunities
>with insufficient examination. This is called gullibility.

Harvard Pilgrim, oldest HMO in the US, has gone into receivership.
Other HMO failures last year include Sunstar Healthplan, Premier Health Care,
Xantus Healthplan of Tennessee,
Daymed HMO, NorthMed HMO Inc., Patients Choice, Inc. Welcare of Connecticut,
Suburban Healthplan, Inc., Certus Healthcare, LLC, Comprehensive Health Service
of Texas, Greater Pacific HMO, Horizon Health, Owensboro Community Healthplan,
Community Healthplan, and American Preferred Provider.

The following comes from:
" As we look to protect the people most directly affected, Harvard Pilgrim's
members and health care providers, we have a responsibility to explore every
viable option to restore Harvard Pilgrim's financial health," said Attorney
General Reilly. "Our goal is to make the best decision for patients and health
care providers."

Sounds reminiscent of what some folks were saying about pyramidal S&Ls that
collapsed years ago (700 - 800 billion dollar losses). The entire Western
economy sometimes looks analogous to a giant pyramid scheme, with casino-style
investing in stock markets. As long as it doesn't outpace population growth
("there's a sucker born every minute"), the Big Scheme could continue for
several more generations.

--J. R.

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