Re: Lamest Definition of Nano - Ever!

From: Howard Rothenburg (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 10:22:43 MST

On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Terry Donaghe wrote:

> Part of Bill Clinton's new technology "initiative:"
> - $475 million for a nanotechnology initiative. This
> could lead, the White House official said, ``to the
> ability to store the contents of the Library of
> Congress in a device the size of a sugar cube.''
> (from a Yahoo! News story)
> Is that not the lamest damned definition of nano
> you've ever seen? More proof that government is
> clueless...

As long as the money goes to those who know the difference, I don't care
how the government spins the expenditure ;-)

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