Re: Essence Vital (was)Ahumans [was Re: Cryonics andabortion-nothappening!]

From: Clint O'Dell (
Date: Fri Jan 21 2000 - 03:33:42 MST

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 01:02:00 EST
Subject: Re: Essence Vital (was)Ahumans [was Re: Cryonics

In a message dated 1/20/2000 9:26:42 PM Pacific Standard
Time, writes:

<< What the world is interested in is not what makes truth.
 may be comfortable with your delusions, and as long as it
 doesn't hurt you or anyone else society says its ok. I'm
 out to control you. Believe what you want. You don't have
 be afraid of me. >>

>>Who are you speaking to? QueeneMUSE?
OR just anyone... <<

According to the from field you are QueenMUSE are you not?
Or do two different people post from your account?

>>In case it's me, what delusions do you refer to, and FTR I
am not afraid of you, why should I be? If it's someone else,
and you by delusions u mean mystical beliefs, can you
explain why you think they are afraid of you?<<

QueenMUSE wrote:
>>So judgemental, so controlling. Aethists amuse me, becasue
they fall into the same trap as religions, they want
everyone to follow their lead...

Objective truth does not interest 99% the world, haven't you
discovered that um, "fact"... yet? And it is within the boundaries of
reality to say
that they may not ever... so let it go... deep breathe...
Hehehehe >: ] <<

You confuse me. Sometimes you imply you're an atheist, other
times a theist, and then you refer to yourself as QueenMUSE
and not "myself". Your comment here toward a comment I made
about people accepting we're just molecules clearly shows
you take a strong defensive position by insulting me.

You wouldn't be so defensive if you weren't afraid of

Clint O'Dell
Atheists of Denver
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