Re: >H Black hole atoms

From: Phil (
Date: Thu Jan 20 2000 - 20:22:39 MST

> Atom made from charged elementary black hole
> Authors: V. V. Flambaum, J. C. Berengut
> It is believed that there may have been a large number of
> black holes formed in the very early universe. These would
> have quantised masses. A charged ``elementary black hole''
> (with the minimum possible mass) can capture electrons,
> protons and other charged particles to form a ``black hole
> atom''. We find the spectrum of such an object with a view to

Please pardon my ignorance... How can something with the mass of, say,
a neutron, form a black hole? Are they saying that the subatomic
components are packed together more densely than in an ordinary neutron?
How does this black hole capture particles if it is so small that the
wave functions of the particles it "tries" to capture extend beyond
its event horizon?

Phil Goetz

PS - What is

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