Re: Microsoft

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Fri Jan 14 2000 - 11:24:15 MST

From: "Ross A. Finlayson" <>

>The correct route would be to open Microsoft's, and therefore, a
>large percentage of computer users', software source code. What
>this means is providing free reference entry-level compilers and
>tools and the source code of the operating system and reference
>documentation and specifications of the entire operating system
>and commodity office software. This would benefit competition by
>allowing the majority of programmers outside of Microsoft, and
>thus, their related business competition interests, better ability
>to develop software for their mission critical applications.

>When it comes to development tools, there should be made available
>a freely distributable fully-functional reference compiler and
>requisite tools. Microsoft and others could still sell their
>higher level development environments.


This battle is barely begun, Microsoft is just waiting to see what
cards the govt is going to drop....

I'm betting long before they let the govt split them up they're
going to have the lawyers wage a siege battle ala IBM, and drag
this thing out easily another ten years.

Politicians are short lived entities, and have the smallest brains
of any of the mammals.


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