Re: >H Re: transhuman-digest V1 #562

From: Eugene Leitl (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2000 - 14:19:03 MST

Robert Bradbury writes:

> Robert Freitas has an interesting answer for this in his Xenology text.
> He argues that advanced "moral entities" would be highly "extropic"

Very well, but due to darwinistic noise we will have also less moral
entities, the cosmic equivalent of crabgrass. It might be even

Probabilistically, if sentient life is common as dirt, some of them or
parts of them sometimes wouldn't transcend (if possible). And even a
single instance of it would amplify over a galaxy within 1 Ma or so.
I also don't buy Greg Egan's argument that Introdus civilizations are
intrinsically autistic. A subsystem might grow frisky, and run off.

I still say if you start to see stars in one hemisphere starting to
wink out into infrared, prepare to become food of the gods. (Not that
we have much time left to be eaten, before we start our own little
omnivorous expedition).

> and seek to maximize the possible information content in the universe.
> They would never "consume" or "destroy" anything that has some
> "minimum" information content. It may just be that planets in habitable

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