RE: the economics of transition to nanotech

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Sun Jan 09 2000 - 22:06:30 MST

Ahh, I can't help you with that, but I'd suggest that the major economic
issue at play here is a furthering shift in the economy towards information
(in this case, the software that drives MNT) as the pivotal resource.

I'd guess that the ramifications of this shift have been examined ad nauseum
in academic papers.

> From: Damien Broderick
> I guess what I was hoping for most, in raising this in the
> first place, was
> some urls to papers (like those of ESR on open source software) that
> explicitly and professionally analyzed the topic. I don't know of any,
> aside from some elaborate plans for paths to AI (rather than nano) in
> various of Eli's sub-sites, and comments by Robin Hanson on
> the economics
> of unlimited uploading, and like that. Maybe it hasn't been
> done yet. I'd
> have expected the Foresight folks to have a batch of documents on this
> topic, though (but I haven't fallen over any of them yet).

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