The enemy within

From: florence peterson (
Date: Wed Jan 05 2000 - 11:24:07 MST

Anders: Re. gregs opposition page.
>A good idea. It might be useful to add more
information on which memes
each group promotes that are counter-transhumanistic,
although this is maybe
the second step after compiling a good starting list
of anti-progressgroups.
I thing Anders has underplayed his hand here, surely
it's the memes that are the real opposition here, an
idea can be far more powerfull than an indervidual or
organisation. Admitadly memes must have a means of
propogation, so it would be foolhardy not to account
for these.
The great thing about the meme counter-offencive is
that we can all 'try this at home', by evaluating and
countering the anti-extropian memes that dwell within
us! I suggest atrophy and fear to be two things I
would like to enclude on such a list.
Question- how would you go about conveying sufficent
future shock, without sending ones audience screaming
into the night?
I wish all extropians Nippley 00's(Noughties),

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