Re: SOC: Opposition to Transhumanism

From: m (
Date: Mon Jan 03 2000 - 19:26:34 MST

--- Harvey Newstrom <> wrote:
> Greg wrote:
> > This is a work in progress. As you can see, I've
> developed three
> categories
> > of opponents of transhumanist values and goals:
> 1) Greens, 2) Religious
> > Groups and 3) Hate Groups and Opponents of
> Liberty. I would appreciate
> help
> > from the list in compiling this list.
> Good work, Greg! I only have one suggestion. I
> think we need to identify
> the opposition groups more specifically. Not all
> Greens or Environmental
> groups are anti-technology. Not all Extropians are
> anti-environment. Not
> all religions are against us, and not all Extropians
> are anti-religion. We
> want to avoid an Us-versus-Them dichotomy.
> We don't want to imply a dichotomy such that people
> need to renounce their
> religion or destroy ecosystems to become Extropian.
> If we do, we will be
> defining a larger enemy group than really exists,
> and unnecessarily
> repelling some potential converts.

 Well said. Although there are groups, not everything
that aperson or group thinks is necessarily wrong.
If a list of "enemies" is taken too extremely, it will
hinder useful discourse.
So such lists should be used cautiously, and not used
toi foster paranoia.

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