Last NASA Y2K Status Report

Date: Mon Jan 03 2000 - 15:41:20 MST

NASA Y2K Status Report for 5 p.m. EST (2200 UTC) Jan. 3, 2000

The first business day of the Year 2000 turned up no significant problems in
NASA information technology systems. A few small glitches were found in
business systems that had not been used since before the Y2K rollover, but
they were quickly identified and fixed.

"The NASA Y2K team should take pride in what has been a truly extraordinary
accomplishment," said NASA Chief Information Officer Lee Holcomb, who
oversaw the Agency's Y2K effort. "As of today, NASA has transitioned
successfully to the Year 2000 with no significant problems. The few minor
anomalies that arose were easily fixed and we have closed them all out."

Only two space-related systems suffered problems that appeared to be Y2K-
related, but neither problem directly affected real-time mission-critical
One problem occurred in software used to plan communications opportunities
between the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite and the Tracking and Data
Relay Satellite System. The other occurred in orbital-prediction software
by NASA's Deep Space Network. Workarounds for both problems were
developed over the weekend.

Unless events warrant otherwise, this will be the last Y2K Status Report for

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