Re: SOC: Opposition to Transhumanism

From: Natasha Vita-More (
Date: Sun Jan 02 2000 - 20:01:03 MST

At 06:58 PM 1/2/00 EST, Greg wrote:

>As I hope folks are aware, the list I'm compiling is certainly not an
>"enemies list" per se, but rather an attempt to put together resources for
>monitoring the development of ideas and organizations that have one or more
>items of active anti-progress ideology or value in their make-up.

Never crossed my mind, I don't see you as an enemy monger :) You are far
too "divinely tall and most divinely fair."

>It's also
>not officially associated with Extropy Institute in any way - it's just a
>personal project of my own. I'm simply looking to create a set of links to
>make monitoring a wide spectrum of groups and movements easier.

Frankly, I would like ExI to associate itself with debates, taking on those
who oppose our stance on issues. I hope your personal project is somehow
integrated into an ExI protocol to be of help to us all.

>Regarding "greens", it pains me particularly to see what's happened to the
>"environmental movement", but the anti-science, anti-technology and
>anti-enterprise tendencies of even most mainstream "environmental" groups
>becomes quite clear-cut to me in the last few years, so much so that I've
>come to describe myself with the older word "conservationist" so as to avoid
>association with the likes of Greenpeace. Folks who know me well will
>realize that this is particularly galling, because I'm more at home outdoors
>in the wilderness than in any city.

I understand what you are saying Greg, as I have been fighting this battle
as well. As an performer whose stage had been the Global environment, it
pains me that my work must be put aside so not to be associated with the
hounding and blabbing of environmental wet-ears. I lived with the Navajo
Indians long before it was the "in" thing to do, before Carlos Castanada,
and I performed in the Amazon Jungle long before the environmental loonies
got their feet wet in the Black River.

>As to the Green Party, I know that it has become the most effective
>anti-technology group in Europe, especially in Germany, the first country in
>which party members hold ministerial posts. I would personally include them
>on an "anti-progress" watch list here in the US because I fear they may
>become the "respectable", establishment front for more radical "deep
>types and Rifkinites in general. One of the key developments I'm looking
>for (and hoping I don't see) is an explicit opposition to ALL genetic
>engineering as part of official Green Party platforms.

What you are saying is valid and it very may well be that the Green Party
has folded so deeply in Rifkinite poverty of intellect that its world mark
has become an anti-progress declaration in the guise of a respectability.

I think your "Opposition to Transhumans" resource is essential and an
excellent resource for us all. We need such a resource and you are one of
the most capable people to produce it. We need to know facts and not be
swayed by emotions triggered obstreperously. I also think that opposing
issues first and groups second is a good strategy.

Thanks Greg!

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