Re: 1 Year Till New Millennium

From: Ian Goddard (
Date: Sat Jan 01 2000 - 10:22:14 MST

At 07:04 AM 01/01/2000 -0800, you wrote:
>--- chris abraham <> wrote:
>> <!-- include -->
>> At 2:10 AM -0500 1/1/00, m wrote:
>> > Some (inc. me) have argued this, but what's the
>> use?
><! excellent idea! >
><! Output=2 parties + everyone satisfied, maybe>

  IAN: Ya, some people saw millennial accuracy as
  a case against parting to the max last night. But
  at this point, it means we have to party even
  harder at the end of second millennium!! So now
  it's a case for maximizing the party threshold!!

  If anyone questions to case for maximal partying,
  here's the low down from the US Naval Observatory:
  and also from the Royal Observatory in Greenwich:



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